Breakout Groups

At the Ridge 2000 Integration and Synthesis Workshop, the goal is to stimulate discussions that will lead to the integration of existing datasets and the synthesis of new ideas, approaches, and models. The outcome of these discussions could lead to finalizing manuscripts, writing new papers or reviews on a topic, or developing new collaborations. Each breakout group will host an online discussion (wiki) before and during the meeting, so the R2K community can contribute and stay current with the topics discussed in each group.

Ideas for discussion topics for each of the three types of breakout groups:

Disciplinary Groups: What are the problems that can be approached by cross-ISS comparison within your discipline? Are there disciplinary collaborations that could integrate existing data sets? Could a review be written about fundamental advances in your discipline? Would a special volume within a disciplinary journal be a useful venue to showcase Ridge 2000-related research in your discipline? What data has been collected or analyzed and not submitted to the Data Portal?

ISS Groups: What has been the progress been since the ISS Workshop? Can conceptual models be developed that link across interfaces of the spreading center (e.g. magma chamber to seafloor, seafloor to water column) or across funded projects?

Interdisciplinary Groups: What are the goals of the discussion group? What is the core scientific question? Will one or several integrative paper(s) be written with the members of the discussion group? How will you continue to dialogue and/or collaborate after the workshop? What data has been collected or analyzed and not submitted to the Data Portal?