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Click for white paper | Click for author profile | White Paper Title | Associated Working Group(s) |
AdamsD | DAdams | Larval transport along the East Pacific Rise | |
AdamsM | MAdams | Linking Biogeochemistry to Microbial Activity and Distribution in a Sedimented Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem | |
Akerman | NAkerman | Research Opportunities and Educational Outreach Activities for Non-Traditional Groups | |
Anantharaman | KAnantharaman | Microbial ecology of deep sea hydrothermal plumes | |
Baker | EBaker | How are event plume fluids generated? | |
Baxter | NBaxter | Geochemical Diversity of Near-Ridge Seamounts: Insights into Oceanic Magmatic Processes and Sources | |
Beaulieu | sbeaulieu | Larval abundance and dispersal at deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the southern Mariana Trough: comparison to Ridge 2000 EPR ISS | |
Beinart | RBeinart | Examining Links among Symbiont Physiology, Holobiont Distribution and Physicochemical Habitats at Hydrothermal Vents | |
Bemis | KBemis | Tidal-scale variations in plumes and their implications for estimating vent-scale heat fluxes | |
Bennett | SBennett | The effect of microorganisms on chemical speciation within the hydrothermal plume | |
Best | MBest | NEPTUNE Canada installations at Endeavour Ridge | |
Blackman | DBlackman | Considering physical implications of petrological, geochemical, and seafloor morphology inferences on mantle heterogeneity and melting | |
Bourbonnais | ABourbonnais | Oceanic fixed nitrogen sinks and associated bacterial communities in the hydrothermal vents of the Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
Breier | jbreier | The influence of biogeochemical processes on the exchange of material between the lithosphere and the oceans | |
Canovas | PCanovas | Merging reaction path models with spatial and temporal data on ridge systems to predict the timing and location of microbial habitat generation | |
Carbotte | carbotte | Comparisons of the EPR and Endeavour ISS: Near-axis melt anomalies, segmentation of axial melt, and propagating ridge offsets | |
Carton | HCarton | Multi-channel seismic imaging study of the magmatic system at the EPR 9°50’N ISS | |
Cary | CCary | Microbial adaptation to intense physicochemical gradients | |
Cormier | mcormier | How are volcanic eruptions distributed in time and space along mid-ocean ridges, and how do they relate to hydrothermal, seismic, and biological activity? | |
Curewitz | DCurewitz | Co-registration of historical maps of Icelandic rift zones reveal changes in shallow crustal permeability and hydrothermal systematics in concert with local seismic and magmatic events: Implications for investigation of the R2K focus. | |
Dick | GDick | Microbial biogeochemistry in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes: revealing the processes, players, and implications of microbially-mediated geochemistry. | |
Di Iorio | DDiIorio | Entrainment as a function of horizontal cross flows and their affect on hydrothermal plume vertical velocity and turbulence | |
Dreyer | BDreyer | Refining timescales and magnitudes of recent volcanological and geochemical variability at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge | |
Dunn | RDunn | Contrasting crustal production and rapid mantle transitions beneath the Eastern Lau Spreading Center | |
Durant | DDurant | Crystallization and Axial Depth Along the East Pacific Rise | |
Dziak | BDziak | Explosion and Volcanic Debris Records from West Mata Volcano, Northeast Lau Basin | |
Farough | AFarough | Modeling hydrothermal circulation at the East Pacific Rise ISS site | |
Ferrini | ferrini | Advances in Data Sharing Related to the Ridge 2000 Program | |
Fisk | MFisk | Microbial-basalt interaction | |
Flores | GFlores | Abiotic Controls of Microbial Biogeography in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Deposits | |
Fornari | dfornari | Time Series Temperature Measurements at MOR Hydrothermal Vents | |
Foustoukos | dfoustoukos | Experimental Constraints on the Metabolic Rates and Growth Efficiency of Seafloor Microbial Communities across Redox and Thermal Gradients | |
Frank | KFrank | Examining the Distribution of Functional Capacity and Metabolic Activity of Endolithic Microbial Communities within Hydrothermal Vent Structures | |
Fundis | AFundis | Lava Morphology and Geochemistry: Insights into MOR eruption dynamics | |
Gartman | AGartman | Sulfur speciation in the diffuse flow zones of Lau Basin | |
Gill | JGill | Crustal controls on magma reservoirs at Endeavour | |
Girguis | PGirguis | Allying microbial phylogenetic and functional diversity to the geochemical milieu: studying endolithic microbial communities via in situ laboratories | |
Goehring, Robigou, Ellins, Kappel, Barbaro, Herren | LGoehring | New paradigms for expanding education and outreach for oceanographic and earth science | |
Govenar | bgovenar | The role of primary consumers in models of ecosystem processes at hydrothermal vents | |
Graham | DGraham | Degassing During a Seafloor Eruption along the Mid-Ocean Ridge: Helium, Argon and Carbon Isotopes in Basalts from the East Pacific Rise Integrated Study Site | |
Gregg | PGregg | Modeling mantle melting at mid-ocean ridges | |
Haymon | RHaymon | Chimney Time Series: A Spatial-Temporal Record of Hydrothermal System Response to a Full EPR Eruption Cycle | |
Holden, Stewart | jholden | Hydrogen limits on growth and maintenance energy estimates for thermophiles and hyperthermophiles | |
Hooft | EHooft | Linking Stress Changes And Hydrothermal Activity During A Non-Eruptive Spreading Event | |
Houghton | JHoughton | Techniques for evaluating the variety and rates of biogeochemical processes in seafloor hydrothermal systems | |
Howell | JHowell | Changes in the formation of axial volcanic edifices in response to changes in magma supply | |
Jamieson | JJamieson | New geochronological constraints on hydrothermal venting at the Endeavour ISS | |
Kadko | DKadko | Fluid crustal residence time | |
Kellogg | JKellogg | Heat and chemical flux variability within Main Endeavour Field from 2000, 2004 | |
Kinsey | JKinsey | The Next-Generation of Mid-Ocean Ridge Technology: Developing Vehicles, Sensors, and Autonomy for Advancing Scientific Surveying, Sampling, and Observation | |
Larson | BLarson | Reactive Transport Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes at Main Endeavour Field | |
Lavelle | BLavelle | Hydrodynamical models of water column concentrations and fluxes in hydrothermal regions | |
Lin | TLin | Modeling the rates and constraints of hyperthermophilic Fe(III) oxide reduction | |
Love | BLove | Volatiles in hydrothermal fluids help constrain phase separation and water rock reactions | |
Lowell | rlowell | Modeling Magma-Hydrothermal Processes at Oceanic Spreading Centers | |
Lupton | JLupton | Distinguishing Arc, Back-arc and Hotspot Affinities in the Northern Lau Basin | |
Luther | gwluther | In situ diffuse flow chemistry and discrete bottle focused flow chemistry at 9 deg 50’ N EPR | |
Macdonald | KMacdonald | Why are mid-ocean ridges segmented? What time-scales apply to the different spatial scales of segmentation? | |
Manghnani | MManghnani | Physical Properties and Water Content of Volcanic Glasses and Olivines Included in Submarine Volcaniclastic Rocks from North Lau Eruption Sites | |
Martinez | FMartinez | Abrupt along- and across-axis changes in crustal structure at the Eastern Lau Spreading Center imply rapid changes in mantle composition and mode of advection to the ridge. | |
McClain | JMcclain | Observations of the northern, “magma-starved”, segment of the East Pacific Rise ISS | |
Meile | CMeile | Carbon assimilation at hydrothermal vents: Quantitative linkages between biotic responses to physico-chemical fluid conditions. | |
Michael | PMichael | H2O, Cl, F and S contents in magmas from Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge: Implications for crustal porosity, magma degassing, hydrothermal chemistry, and mantle melting | |
Montesi | LMontesi | Melt Focusing At Oceanic Spreading Centers | |
Mutter | JMutter | What are the time scales of ridge processes? | |
Nielsen | RNielsen | The trace element compositional diversity of anorthitic plagioclase: Implications for magma storage and transport in the oceanic crust | |
Olins | HOlins | Microbe-mineral associations within hydrothermal vent sulfides | |
Perfit | MPerfit | From Mantle to Magma to Gabbros to Basalts to Hydrothermal Vents: How do we put the pieces together? | |
Proskurowski | GProskurowski | Reconciling vent volatile fluid chemistry across Lau Basin with rock geochemistry | |
Pyle | DPyle | Mantle and magma dynamics along the mid-ocean ridge system: combining ISS-scale with regional-scale perspectives | |
Rogers | KRogers | Bioenergetics in deep-sea hydrothermal systems | |
Rona | PRona | Cabled Observatory Vent Imaging Sonar (COVIS) | |
Rubin | krubin | The causes and effects of melt supply variations on ridge volcanism and tectonism | |
Rubin-etal | krubin | Time and length scales of volcanic unrest signatures at submarine volcanoes | |
Rubin-Fornari | krubin | A Working Group Approach to Integration and Synthesis of Mid-Ocean Ridge Studies | |
Russo | CRusso | U-series constraints on magma supply, mantle source and melt migration along mid-ocean ridge spreading centers | |
Salters | VSalters | Length scales of mantle heterogeneities and mantle control on ridge segmentation? | |
Schulte | MSchulte | Mid-ocean ridge biogeochemistry and the search for extraterrestrial life | |
Seewald, Wheat | jseewald | Temporal Evolution of Vent Fluid Chemistry at the Lau ISS | |
Seyfried | WSeyfried | In-Situ Chemical Sensors: Their Development, Testing and Future Directions for RIDGE Science | |
Shock | EShock | Reaction Progress and Microbial Communities | |
Sievert | ssievert | An Integrated Approach to Study Energy Metabolism, Carbon Fixation, and Colonization Mechanisms in Chemosynthetic Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | |
Smith | JSmith | Emerging patterns of global biogeography of Epsilonproteobacteria at deep-sea hydrothermal vents | |
SouleA | ASoule | Linking seafloor geology (volcanism, tectonism, and seafloor morphology) to crustal melt distribution and transport. | |
SouleD | DSoule | Endeavour Integrated Studies Site: Distribution of fin whales above hydrothermal vent fields. Extending ridge studies beyond “mantle to microbe” to encompass “mantle to mammal”. | |
Stam | CStam | A Hydrothermal Vent Biosampler for Filtration and Concentration of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids | |
Sylvan | JSylvan | Microbial Biogeography and Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Plumes and Seafloor Rock Substrates | |
Tivey | MTivey | Crustal controls on the pattern of hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges | |
Tolstoy | MTolstoy | Integrating earthquake data from the East Pacific Rise ISS at 9°50’N | |
Toner | BToner | Biogeochemistry of iron in hydrothermal plumes | |
Toomey | DToomey | Geophysical Studies of Spreading Centers | |
Wanless | DWanless | Role of Assimilation in Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatism | |
Weekly | RWeekly | Seismicity and Upper-Crustal Structure of the Endeavour ISS | |
White | SWhite | Linkages and decoupling in the magmatic system between mantle and seafloor | |
Wilcock | WWilcock | Seismological Studies of Magma-Hydrothermal Interactions |