Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group 5 |
Ecosystems | Hydrology | Infrastructure | Volcanism | Tectonics and Magmatism |
1.1 Canovas | 2.1: Baker | 3.1: Ferrini | 4.1: Cormier | 5.1: Buck |
1.2 Flores | 2.2: Bohnenstiehl | 4.2: Fundis | 5.2: Choi | |
1.3 Rogers | 2.3: Crone | 4.3: Goss | 5.3: Dunn | |
1.4 Tivey | 2.4: Garven | 4.4: Graham | 5.4: Ito | |
1.5 Ver Eecke | 2.5: Germanovich | 4.5: Olive | 5.5: Lundstrom | |
1.6 Vetriani | 2.6: Houghton | 4.6: Liu | 5.6: Montési | |
1.7 Shank | 2.7: Han | 4.7: Michael | 5.7: Ridley | |
1.8 Lavelle | 2.8: Marks | 4.8: Monigle | 5.8: Weekly | |
1.9 Podowski | 2.9: Rona | 4.9: Russo | ||
1.10 Sen | 2.10: Stroup | 4.10: Perfit | ||
Group 1: Ecosystems
1.1 Host Rock Composition and Subsequent Alteration as Primary Constraints on Biogeochemical Processes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems (poster)
P. Canovas & E. Shock
1.2 Thermoacidophiles of Marine Hydrothermal Systems: Investigations of the Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Euryarchaeota (poster)
G.E. Flores, & A.L. Reysenbach
1.3 Using geochemical models to find novel thermophiles in deep-sea vent environments: the case for organic-sulfur based metabolisms (poster)
K.L. Rogers,, A.F. Bennett, R.L. Barker & M.D. Schulte
1.4 Relationships of vent deposit morphology and composition to geologic setting (including vent fluid chemistry) and to vent fauna (poster)
M.K. Tivey, R. Haymon, D.S. Kelley, M.D. Hannington, & J. Jamieson
1.5 Modeling the growth of hyperthermophiles in deep-sea hydrothermal diffuse fluids and sulfide deposits (poster)
H.C. Ver Eecke, D.M. Oslowski, D.A. Butterfield, E.J. Olson, M.D. Lilley, & J.F. Holden
1.6 An Integrated View of Microbial Biofilms at Post Eruptive Vents on the EPR at 9°N (poster)
C. Vetriani, T. Barkay, S. Borin, M. Crespo-Medina, R. Cruz, B. Govenar, N. Le Bris, G. Luther, R. Lutz, D. Nuzzio, I. Perez, T. Shank, S. Sievert, B. Wawrik & M. Yücel
1.7 Long-Term Integrated Studies on the East Pacific Rise: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Interactions Among Vent Fluid Chemistry, Microbial Community Structure and Faunal Colonization Associated with Volcanic Disturbances (poster)
T.M. Shank, B. Govenar, G.W. Luther, C. Vetriani, S. Sievert, L. Gulman, W.E. Seyfried, D.J. Fornari, M. Tolstoy, & R.A. Lutz
1.8 Integrating Ocean Circulation and Transport with Larval Studies at EPR 9°50'N (poster)
J.W. Lavelle, L. Mullineaux, D. McGillicuddy, A.Thurnherr, & J. Ledwell
1.9 Hydrothermal vent community ecology along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC)
E.L. Podowski, M. Cohen, S. Ma, G.W. Luther III & C.R. Fisher
1.10 A first look at temporal changes in megafaunal communities on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center: June 2006-June 2009 (poster)
A. Sen, E.L. Podowski, E.L. Becker, G.W. Luther III & C.R. Fisher
Group 2: Hydrology
2.1 Vent field distribution in the Lau ISS (poster)
E.T. Baker, J.A. Resing, & F. Martinez
2.2 Seismic Tremor at Brothers Volcano: A Comparative Case Study (poster)
D.R. Bohnenstiehl, P.W. Monigle, R.P. Dziak, J.H. Haxel & H. Matsumoto
2.3 Using Two-Dimensional Models of Poroelastic Fluid Flow to Constrain the Permeability Structure of Young Oceanic Crust (poster)
T.J. Crone, M. Tolstoy, & D.F. Stroup Sumy
2.4 A Reactive Hydrothermal Flow Model for the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge (poster)
G. Garven, M.K. Tivey, C. Schardt, & R.P. Lowell
2.5 New Measurements of Focused and Diffuse Fluid Flow and Advective Heat Flux at the Juan de Fuca Ridge: 2007 – 2009 (poster)
L.N. Germanovich, D. Di Iorio, G. Genc, R. Hurt, R.P. Lowell, J.F. Holden, D.A. Butterfield & E.J. Olson
2.6 Applications of diversity indices, geochemical models, and infrared imaging: two very different approaches to integration (poster)
J.L. Houghton & L. D. Urbano
2.7 Numerical modeling of two-phase flow in the seafloor hydrothermal systems (poster)
L. Han, R. P. Lowell, & K. C. Lewis
2.8 Granoblastic textures within the Reykjanes Geothermal System: Evidence for amphibolite-grade contact metamorphism in an active geothermal system and links to IODP Hole D (poster)
N.E. Marks, R.A. Zierenberg, & P. Schiffman
2.9 Acoustic imaging and quantification of plume and diffuse flow at vent clusters in the Endeavour Integrated Study Site (ISS): Integration with in situ measurements (poster)
P.A. Rona, K.G. Bemis, C. Jones, D.R. Jackson, K. Mitsuzawa, D.R. Palmer, & D. Silver
2.10 Systematic Variations in Along-Axis Tidal Triggering of Microearthquakes Observed at 9º50’N East Pacific Rise (poster)
D.F. Stroup, M. Tolstoy, T.J. Crone, A. Malinverno, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, & F. Waldhauser
Group 3: Infrastructure
3.1 Enabling integration and synthesis through the Ridge 2000 Data Portal tools and services (poster)
V.L. Ferrini & the Ridge 2000 Data Management Office
Group 4: Volcanism
4.1 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Activity Along the East Pacific Rise between 9°50°N (poster)
M.H. Cormier , S.C. Webb , W.R. Buck , S. Nooner , W. Crawford , G. Applebee, & R.C. Holmes
4.2 Intra-flow morphology variations within a single submarine flow: the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise eruption (poster)
A.T. Fundis, S.A. Soule, D.J. Fornari, M.R. Perfit
4.3 Geochemical characterization of lavas from the 2005-06 eruption along the EPR (9°46’-56’ N): Implications for melt composition, eruption driving forces, and mantle heterogeneity (poster)
A. Goss, M. Perfit, K. Rubin, G. Kamenov, I. Ridley, S.A. Soule, & D. Fornari
4.4 Degassing During a Seafloor Eruption along the Mid-Ocean Ridge: Helium, Argon and Carbon Isotopes in Basalts from the East Pacific Rise Integrated Study Site (poster)
D.W. Graham
4.5 Potential control of hydrothermal circulation on the structure and segmentation of axial magma chambers along fast-spreading ridges (poster)
J.A. Olive, F.J. Fontaine, & J. Escartin
4.6 A hydrothermal system model driven by andesite magma melts (poster)
L. Liu & R. Lowell
4.7 A Comparison of Magma Residence, Magma Ascent and Magma-Hydrothermal Interaction Between EPR 9°N and Endeavour ISS (poster)
P. Michael, J. Gill, F. Ramos, & J. Woodcock
4.8 Seismic Tremor at the 9°50’N East Pacific Rise Eruption Site (poster)
P.W. Monigle, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, M. Tolstoy & F. Waldhauser
4.9 Using U-series disequilibria in basalts from the 2005-06 9°50’ N EPR eruption to constrain the magnitude and timing of magmatic processes in the EPR ISS (poster)
C.J. Russo, K. Rubin, & M. Perfit
4.10 Eruptive Processes, Magmatic Evolution, Crustal Construction and Mantle Plumbing Derived from Temporal and Spatial Variations in Lava Compositions from the 8°-10°N East Pacific Rise (EPR)
M.R. Perfit, D.J. Fornari, W.I. Ridley, K. Sims, D. Wanless, A. Goss, K. Rubin, G. Kamenov, S.A. Soule, E. Klein, S. White, C. Waters, & P. Michael
Group 5: Tectonics and Magmatism
5.1 Top Down Processes Controlling Dike Initiation, AMC Depth and Extrusive Patterns at Spreading Centers (poster)
W.R. Buck
5.2 Can ridge axial deformation constrain mantle viscosity? (poster)
E. Choi and W.R. Buck
5.3 The L-SCAN Seismic Experiment (poster)
R. Dunn, J. Conder, & F. Martinez
5.4 Geodynamic Studies of Faulting, Magmatism, and the Morphology of Mid-Ocean Ridges (poster)
G. Ito & M.D. Behn
5.5 Geochemical study of near-ridge seamounts: do dunite conduits effect how the mantle melts? (poster)
C.C. Lundstrom, M.R. Perfit, & N. Baxter
5.6 Spreading-rate dependence of magma extraction processes at mid-ocean ridges (poster)
L.G.J. Montési & L.B. Hebert
5.7 Understanding magmatism at the EPR ISS; the xenolith story
W.I. Ridley, M.R. Perfit, V.D. Wanless, S.A. Soule, D.J. Fornari, E. Klein, S.M. White
5.8 Seismicity Along the Endeavour Segment from 2005-2006 (poster)
R. Weekly, W. Wilcock, E. Hooft, D. Toomey, & P. McGill